28 August 2014

A contest...

 Well I participated in a contest, really fun when I found this in my stash, the year was 2005.
Would have been a good suggestion, I think ... do not know who ended up with the mission ....

Really fun t to see today and 8 years later, glad that I don't throw everything away...
Deltog i en utsmyckningstävling till Ljusdals rececentrum, riktigt roligt att jag har sparat förslaget och kul att se hur jag tänkte då.......kanske inte allt för illa
Have a nice day!!

27 August 2014

This is today.....

Just a few pics from our garden today......

Euonymus planipes (körsbärsbenved.....blommar ordentligt i år)

This will be our next project ........ redo the front of our house, take down the old and annoying trees. There will be new trees and we will make terraces down to where I have my little studio....will be beautiful with even more green on the front ....

Nästa projekt är framsidan, nu klättrar Bokharabindan över våra inte så poppis uppstammade Cypresser.......oj vad dom skräpar ned med sina vita blommor (Bokharabindan så klart), ett vitt täcke som snö faller ned på vår matplats. Sen ska vi göra en terrass på f.d. garagenedfarten som leder ned mot min ateljé....mera grönt med andra ord.....

This is our neighbours house and half the garage is ours, now they are going to redo the front and paint the whole garage white even the doors......interesting and kind neighbour....

Been with two of my daughters today, the third is coming home
this evening....still have a lot of work to do but it was nice taking half a day off

Take care...

25 August 2014

Interesting exhibition

Carola Persson utställning:  "En osedd berättelse ur stilla vind svepte fram" a straight of translation: "An unseen narrative from stationary wind swept"

Really like Carola Art, hope she goes really far....

Carola är verkligen duktig och hon gör framsteg hela tiden, riktigt roligt att få följa hennes framfart...
Hon finns på Sjöbo Konsthall 16 augusti till 26 september 2014......titta gärna in! 

Monday and new working week, just now working with a bath-laundry room, to redoo!!
Have a nice day

24 August 2014


A fantastic long weekend in Berlin, much war and Hitler in every corner but also other things to see ..... I did see Wei Wei's exhibition, I liked it ...

Härlig långhelg i Berlin, sådana helgen behöver man mer utav......nu är hunden My gammal så det gäller att någon av flickorna ställer upp och passar damen ifråga. Tyckte det var intressant i Berlin men mycket handlade om det som varit och det vi inte ska glömma!!

  Hope your weekend has been wonderful, I can complain!!

23 August 2014

Sweet house

Made this fused glass art above the garden door, it really gave the room tensity!!

Fused glass
Interesting effekt in the garden

Backside and garden

Time passes, barely remember when the old man built this house, not my design except the garden and the fusade glass above the door. As you can see he has just started with the patio in the garden and I´ll return with pics as it looks today.....

Tiden går kommer knappt ihåg när gubben byggde huset, ej ritat av mig förutom trädgården och fusade glaset ovan dörren ryckte jag in och gjorde och som ni ser är kortet tagit under pågående arbete alltså inte färdigt, återkommer med hur det ser ut idag......

22 August 2014

What a wonderful sommer.....

Made a visit to an orangery early this summer, which I have designed ..... the old man has not built this time. Everything was not as I had designed but it was nice anyway that they did shift  the house, a perfectly smooth wall had otherwise become boring. Like brick stairs and raised garden boxes of the same material.
Really nice to meet the owner and see the results ......

Really sweet dog....

This was at the beginning of June, vill be back with more about this summer......

Take care!!!