08 September 2013

Why indoor?

Can´t understand why I am Indoors today sunday, but I did a lot of garden work yesterday and we spent the afternoon with my oldest daughter and there was no time for doing the things indoors that was necessary, but today was the day. Although I went out to take in some of my coctailtomatoes, hope my husband will do the rest........
Coctail tomatoes, grow in my garden

My kitchen bench and my Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, its almost flowering the year around!
Man kan verkligen undra varför jag är inomhus idag, men jag jobbade i trädgården hela dagen igår sen träffade vi äldsta dottern i Lund. Idag är det som skulle göras inomhus kvar tills idag.....plockade iaf in mina små fina tomater som mannen skulle fixa med lite lök...vi får väl se!!

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